Oggi è arrivato un pacco attesissimo.......i prodotti della Creuset !!!!
Appena ho visto le mini cocotte non ho resistito ed ho preparato subito una ricetta semplice, quanto buona:
Serves 2:
2 eggs - 500 g spinach
- 30 g grated parmesan
- 30 g butter
- salt
Thoroughly clean the spinach, then wash in cold water several times to completely remove any residual dirt.
Boil the spinach in a pot with water only fitting that their remains after washing, then drain, squeeze well and chop.
Heat a bit 'of butter in a frying pan, add spinach and a pinch of salt, let them simmer, stirring with a wooden spoon for a few minutes on high heat.
Remove the pan from the heat and season the spinach with 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese.
Take 2 casserole (I used those of Creuset) and grease it evenly with 10 g of butter.
Divide spinach into two equal portions and arrange in coccotte, then obtained a dimple in the center of vegetables in each bowl.
Break 1 egg into each pan, salt lightly seasoned with just the egg white and the rest of the previously melted butter. Place the pans in a preheated oven at 200 ° C for a few minutes, ie the time that the egg white coagulates.
Finally, sprinkle Parmesan cheese on each left.
With this recipe I participate in the contest "My cocotte" Imma of the blog "Sweets galore "
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