It 'Sunday, as I mentioned last week, I wanted to dedicate some posts to some notion of decoration ...
I do not pretend to be a "teacher" but for all those who are completely empty stomach may be helpful ...
To decorate or protect any support (wall, wood, iron, plastic, etc.) proceed with the 'application of one or more layers of paint ...
The coating can be roughly divided into:
Paints - Paints
- Glazes
Not to get too technical, the main difference between a paint and varnish is a gloss, while the painting was made opaque having as primary function to hide the support, while protecting the paint surface, allows the view
glazes, which should more correctly be called pitture a smalto,sono prodotti vernicianti coprenti e resistenti,per cui dopo l'essiccamento assumono un aspetto compatto e brillante...
Quindi per riassumere in modo semplice,le vernici sono trasparenti,servono propriamente per proteggere,le pitture colorano e gli smalti colorano e proteggono...
Non voglio essere oltremodo noiosa...spero di essere stata chiara...
Vi auguro una buona domenica e vi lascio con qualche immagine di mobili ed oggetti dipinti...magari will be the desire to try ...
A hug ...
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