Sunday, March 6, 2011

Vascular Dementia And Urinating


Almost at the end of Carnival, I decided to do some candy too typical of the period. I am not fond frying, especially with the smell that leaves the kitchen, but after all the recipes I've seen in your blog, I wanted to try.
The recipe I took from Saffron Yellow and I followed their recipe to the letter being the first time I


am came very good, so that they are not even able to cool that they were already finished!!


- 200 grams of flour mill Chiavazza ;
- 2 eggs;
- 50 g sugar ;
- 40 g butter;
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract;
- salt
- grated zest of 1 / 2 lemon;
- 1 tablespoon rum ;
- 1 / 2 packet of baking powder;
- olio per friggere;
- zucchero a velo.

Mettete in una ciotola la farina, le uova, lo zucchero, il burro, la vanillina, un pizzico di sale, la scorza grattuggiata del limone, il rum e il lievito.
Mescolate gli ingredienti fino ad amalgamarli, poi trasferite l'impasto su una spianatoia leggermente infarinata e impastate fino ad ottenere un composto morbido, liscio  e compatto.
Formate dei cordoncini di pasta e tagliateli a pezzetti grandi come delle grosse nocciole.
Formate delle balls and fry them a bit 'at a time in hot oil and low heat, stirring until it is well puffed and golden.
When ready, pat dry on a paper towel and sprinkle with a little 'sugar icing.

Before leaving I leave you a bit 'of photos of my little ones that they also celebrate Carnival!


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