Thursday, March 10, 2011

Breastfeeding And Tonsillitis


Ecco un bel plumcake ai mirtilli fatto con prodotti integrali che permettono di soddisfare la voglia di dolce ma tenendo conto della linea. 
I mirtilli, secondo un recente studio, contrastano naturalmente l'accumulo dei grassi e poi riattivano il circolo e la peristalsi.
Se lo mangiamo poi a colazione, come preferibilmente andrebbero consumati i dolci, ingrassiamo di meno!!!!


- 100 g di mirtilli neri freschi;
- 125 g di  yogurt ai mirtilli;
- 100 g di farina integrale;
- 2 eggs;
- 120 g sugar cane "Waves of sugar" ;
- 150 ml extra virgin olive oil.

In a bowl the egg yolks with sugar cane. Then add the 'extra virgin olive oil and mix well.
Pour mixture into whole wheat flour and stir with a whisk. Add the yogurt, gently incorporate the egg whites until stiff, add the blueberries and stir fresh blacks.
Pour the mixture into a lightly oiled baking plum cakes and bake at 190 ° C for 40 minutes.

As you can see from the photos the interior is really a short, soft ....... goodness! !

With this recipe I participate in the contest "The plum-sweet and salty" Christmas blog "Fusilli fried" .

in the sugar sector, a strong ability to innovate products and packaging, Max wheel
For this recipe I used raw cane sugar "Waves of sugar", which is a natural and complete food that has not been depleted of basic nutrients such as minerals and amino acids and small parts of that has a special aroma with different variations based on land quality and the microclimate of the different countries of origin.

With WAVES OF SUGAR Figli di Pinin Pero, who belongs to the leadership of the sector, aims at enhancing and disseminating knowledge from different sources of raw sugar cane.
Through their experience and careful research of the best and most representative products of the sub-tropical areas want to offer a unique and complete range of raw sugar cane to make it possible to appreciate the many characteristics which distinguish the different sources.

This is what I have very kindly honored.


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