's well on Saturday? My sister and I, thanks to the beautiful day, we are dedicated to shopping spree !!!!! We had a great time and we spent a lot, including clothes and of course some new tools and products to use for my recipes!!
would spend whole days in particular in the library looking for some particular book as much time in cooking and shopping for the house looking for some new tool!
During my shopping I thought, my dear friends and food blogger friends would rather buy a new dress or a new kitchen tool?
is then that I decided to open a poll (on the right of the blog) to get a response. So, get involved and we will see in a week with the result!!
Now for the recipe for a delicious dish:
- 8 rendered chicken (I take off my skin);
- 200 g of rice Margara ;
- 1 / 2 the broth;
- 1 shallot,
- 1 bag saffron;
- 150 g of tomatoes;
- 1 small onion;
- 1 stalk of celery;
- 1 carrot
- 1 sprig of thyme;
- olive oil;
Dip tomatoes in boiling water for a few moments, then Peel, remove seeds and cut into cubes.
Chop together the celery, onion and carrot and let them dry in a clean saucepan (I used one of Pedrini ) with olive oil and thyme for 5 minutes.
Add the chicken and let time turning to brown evenly with a spatula, then add the diced tomatoes, seasoned with the 'Ariosto and pour a glass of warm water.
Put the lid and cook for about 35 minutes over medium heat.
Meanwhile, in another saucepan put the rice, chopped shallots, broth, in which you have dissolved saffron and olive oil.
Cook covered for about 18 minutes, never mix .
Cook covered for about 18 minutes, never mix .
At the end of cooking, lying in a cupola each dish of rice, then created, with the back of a ladle, a central cavity.
With a bit of sauce of melted, wet the center of each ring of rice chicken wrap with 2 time.
With this recipe I participate in the contest "meals only" blog of the talented Eleanor "Butter and Honey"
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