This winter seems to never end: This morning it snowed in Venice!!
just feel the need of the warmth of the sun, beautiful long days, the sea ...........
just feel the need of the warmth of the sun, beautiful long days, the sea ...........
Leafing I found the recipe that this dish intrigued me and I have prepared.
In the kitchen quickly spread an aroma of spices and smells particular, it was enough to close my eyes and wonder, I was already on the white beach of Djerba, the spice market of all those colors and intoxicating flavors: the paprika, turmeric, cinnamon, curry, mint, coriander ................
Aiutoooooooooooo, he burns everything!!
- 300 g of parboiled rice;
- 1 of 1 kg chicken cut into pieces already;
- 200 g Dates Noberasco ;
- 50 g almonds already blanched;
- 300 g of tomatoes;
- 1 / 2 onion;
- 2 cloves garlic (I'm not at all);
- 2 files;
- 4 tablespoons olive oil;
- 1 ladle of vegetable stock;
- 1 sprig di timo;
- 1 cucchiaio di curry in polvere;
- 1 cucchiaio di salsa di soia;
- sale.
Eliminate la pelle dai pezzi di pollo, sistemateli in una larga terrina e spolverizzateli con sale, pepe e curry.
Spremete il succo dei lime, tritate la cipolla, l'aglio e il timo.
Pelate i pomodori, tagliateli a metà, privateli dei semi e dell'acqua di vegetazione e fateli a cubetti.
Pour into the pan with the chicken, add the soy sauce, stir and let marinate for 2 hours.
Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a frying pan, add the chicken pieces, after draining the marinade, and cook for 5 minutes to heat vivace.Unite the marinade, stir and cook for 30 minutes fire medium, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon.
Pitted dates and cut them in half, sliced \u200b\u200balmonds.
Heat up the remaining oil in a saucepan, add the dates and almonds and sauté for 2 minutes.
Add the rice, washed with the hot vegetable stock, salt and cook until the broth is dry.
Boneless chicken pieces and transfer the meat with the sauce in the pot of rice.
cook for 2 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally, bring to the table and serve.
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