Thursday, March 10, 2011

Breastfeeding And Tonsillitis


Ecco un bel plumcake ai mirtilli fatto con prodotti integrali che permettono di soddisfare la voglia di dolce ma tenendo conto della linea. 
I mirtilli, secondo un recente studio, contrastano naturalmente l'accumulo dei grassi e poi riattivano il circolo e la peristalsi.
Se lo mangiamo poi a colazione, come preferibilmente andrebbero consumati i dolci, ingrassiamo di meno!!!!


- 100 g di mirtilli neri freschi;
- 125 g di  yogurt ai mirtilli;
- 100 g di farina integrale;
- 2 eggs;
- 120 g sugar cane "Waves of sugar" ;
- 150 ml extra virgin olive oil.

In a bowl the egg yolks with sugar cane. Then add the 'extra virgin olive oil and mix well.
Pour mixture into whole wheat flour and stir with a whisk. Add the yogurt, gently incorporate the egg whites until stiff, add the blueberries and stir fresh blacks.
Pour the mixture into a lightly oiled baking plum cakes and bake at 190 ° C for 40 minutes.

As you can see from the photos the interior is really a short, soft ....... goodness! !

With this recipe I participate in the contest "The plum-sweet and salty" Christmas blog "Fusilli fried" .

in the sugar sector, a strong ability to innovate products and packaging, Max wheel
For this recipe I used raw cane sugar "Waves of sugar", which is a natural and complete food that has not been depleted of basic nutrients such as minerals and amino acids and small parts of that has a special aroma with different variations based on land quality and the microclimate of the different countries of origin.

With WAVES OF SUGAR Figli di Pinin Pero, who belongs to the leadership of the sector, aims at enhancing and disseminating knowledge from different sources of raw sugar cane.
Through their experience and careful research of the best and most representative products of the sub-tropical areas want to offer a unique and complete range of raw sugar cane to make it possible to appreciate the many characteristics which distinguish the different sources.

This is what I have very kindly honored.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Exotic Car Rental Calgary

Squares for the most beautiful mountain

I am very, very happy for the success it has had the ironic my post yesterday, I really did not expect it!
At this point since it has intrigued you also like to see your changes ... and if you dare, maybe publish some ... let me know if you would agree!

Now back to something more serious ... I'll show the squares that I painted some time ago, for a family next door neighbor, who wanted something for the house in the mountains ...

photos are horrendous, scanned from photo paper ..

are of wooden boards painted with acrylic colors ...

The three children are views of mountain landscapes ...

the largest table, upon request, is a simplified reproduction of a seventeenth-century still life .. .

I neighbors I've met ... you do not know ...

and now with pleasure, I want to thank Paola's Blog Laboratory Aunt Polly, Paola Paola Creations Blog , Monica's Blog Simply Perfect

for premium

thanks girls you are really cute for thinking of me!

I should tell you 10 things about me, then multiply per 3 dovrebebro essere non credo sopportereste un elenco così lungo e poi ,così d'acchito, sarebbe difficile anche per me...

1. Preferisco alzarmi presto la mattina che "fare tardi" la sera

Sunrise @ South Coogee

2.  mi piacciono moltissimo i fiori, ma non ho la costanza di bagnarli e farli durare...


3. amo borse e scarpe...anche se col numero 34...spesso devo limitarmi a guardarle!

stinkin' pink

4.sono greedy .... but who is not?

Bride To Be Photo! (made into "Robert Gordon " cupcake magnets & trinkett box!)

5. I love breakfast ...

cool brackfast ,

6. outdoors even more ...

Second Story Veranda 1

As always, the prize is available to all people who pass by here



Simi Garewal Bathing In Junle From Mera Nam Joker

Even if the temperature continues to be very low, the sun is king!
At home, the warmth, with the days that stretch more, feel now that spring is near!
So here is the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a fresh sweet and creamy:


- 250 g of yogurt creamy white;
- 200 g Fabbri cherries in syrup;
- 90 g sugar vanilla icing;
- 2 egg whites
- 150 ml of whipping cream.

Mix yogurt and sugar.
Stir gently before the whipped cream and then the egg whites until stiff.
Put on the bottom of the mold (I used "The Lillotte donut shaped of Pedrini), cherries in syrup and then the mixture of yogurt and cream, cover with a film and put in freezer for at least 3 hours.

I recommend you add at least 2 sheets of gelatine, because I have not used that, after a few minutes he was out of the freezer the parfait has already started to melt!

With this recipe I participate in the contest "I love Black Cherry" 's blog "Sisters in the pot"

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Much Panadol Does It Take To Kill Yourself


Dear friends, do not get me rotten eggs ... but today I surprise you with a post so different from my everyday life, which are even managed to amaze myself ...

but curiosity is female and because I am and who you are, in majority, I will forgive a small drop of vanity (Maddy you are exempt from continuing to read ...)

Yesterday on The Press online I read this article in which there was talk of a new technology that allows 3D
to develop his own face and that the PC is able to advise the hairstyle and make up most suited to your face and suitable for a particular circumstance ...

"The make-up training is expensive, but with this you can turn on the computer in the morning, use a web-cam and see what is the trick for you, "stressed the developers.
addition, the software can also be modified to provide advice on cosmetics according to different situations that you face during the day. As all women know, in fact, the trick for a business meeting is completely different from what usually is used for an evening with friends or partner, a party to a marriage and so on. "

This software is not yet available, but waiting can be used ad un programmino assolutamente gratuito e facile da usare,che non elabora il volto proprio in 3D ,ma  vi fornisce un total look davvero diverso,anche con occhiali e pettinature e da consigli molto precisi anche sui prodotti da utilizzare con tanto di marca e di prezzo...
non so perchè,solitamente non sono vanitosa,ma incuriosita ho deciso di provare questo programmino

e mi sono davvero divertita...

Vi consiglio di usare una foto senza trucco e con i capelli legati (tipo coda di cavallo) per poter provare tutte le funzionalità del programma...specialmente le molte pettinature e i colori...

le foto sono piccoline e non vorrei spaventarvi col mio faccione di prima mattina...

 Questo è il divertente esperimento con una mia foto...before and after... ovviamente la frangia della prima foto sporge dalla nuova pettinatura...

versione Julia Roberts

Alessandra Ambrosio

Cindy Crawford

Sandra Bullock

've never been blonde all my life ... but I would not be not bad!

forgive me for this digression frivolous ...

Mari but also more serious every now and then get distracted!

Spring Flowers

After the two-headed monster and Marizombie ... I leave you with a nice photo of Andrew McClain (very much better I would say!)

a hug
