Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How Can You Fix An Irregular Cycle


Merry Christmas to all!
Ok, a little late, but you know, the last days before Christmas are always ultra hectic, plus the fact that they are on leave from 24 to 6 (with consequent mega amount of work until the last minute) .. in short, are not quite managed to do his best wishes on time.
to forgive me now I reveal the content of hand-made packages posted last time.

Earrings for all!
of course are not made at random, but each is designed according to the tastes and style of the friend who received them.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Taarak Mehta Shooting

handmade Christmas gifts

Last night I finally finished my Christmas gifts for girlfriends. For them
(s) Luckily I decided to do everything myself, small personalized gifts.
Even the packaging is completely handmade and recycling. Are in fact rolls of toilet paper covered with Christmas paper.
for the content, of course, you'll have to wait until after Christmas!

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe pack is not mine, I found somewhere on the network, ma naturalmente non mi ricordo dove e non riesco più a ritrovarla.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Use Kinesio Tape For Bunions

A red rose for Christmas Decorations

Una molletta per capelli con una rosa rossa per una tanguera marchigiana. Se ho capito bene la riceverà per Natale. Chissà se le piacerà?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ichigo Milk & Anna Miyashita

Finalmente il Natale è arrivato anche in casa mia! Ho approfittato di questo ponte di Sant'Ambrogio e dell'Immacolata per fare l'albero di Natale (per il presepe mancano le statuine).
In un paio di giorni ho fatto il fuoriporta, completamente in feltro. L'idea l'ho trovata su qualche blog, ma, come al solito non mi segno mai quale, e quindi non riesco a indicarvelo.

Ho creato poi con la pasta queste simpatiche stelle da appendere.
Peccato che a Spike siano molto piaciute, soprattutto prenderle a zampate e farle cadere dal tavolo mentre erano ancora in lavorazione.. se ne sono salvate poche, ma almeno posso mostrarvele.. mal che vada mi rimarrà la foto..

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Where To Find Driclor

The family has expanded

E' da un pò che non mi faccio sentire con le mie creazioni, ma in queste ultime settimane io e il maritino siamo stati occupati a preparare la nostra casetta all'arrivo di un nuovo membro, che, dopo quasi un mese di attesa da quando ci ha scelto, finalmente, sabato pomeriggio ha preso possesso della nostra casa e dei nostri cuori.
E' arrivato Spike, sei mesi di pelo ron ron, and that made us forget all worries

But since next week is the long weekend, I want to take this opportunity to create some things for Christmas, make some requests in order I have arrived, and then the tree and the crib, in the hope that Spike decides to destroy everything ..

But in the meantime I want to thank with all my heart
WORLD CAT # the hut that has welcomed us and made us meet Spike.
For those in and around Milan and wants to adopt a cat, I highly recommend this cattery address.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How To Connect External Hdd To Usb Tv

Preparations for Christmas Christmas is coming

begin preparations for Christmas. In Actually these are works of creative mom for the feast of Christmas Oratorio. But perhaps it is also a nice way to say "Sarah, get moving and create !"...

brushes auspicious


And some cross-stitch bib as a gift for that newborn babies are always very welcome

Friday, November 19, 2010

A Birthday Wish For Your Boss

I made realize that Christmas is approaching, and I have not prepared anything! Last year I got caught unprepared, and my house has been a little bare. I did the outside door with recycled cd (came malissimo oltretutto), l'albero e il presepe (con statuine prestate dai genitori).
Mi ero riproposta di fare un sacco di cose, ma come al solito mi sono fatta distrarre da mille e uno creazioni diverse, e ora mi rendo conto di non avere più così tanto tempo... Vedremo cosa riuscirò a combinare.
Intanto vi mostro ancora qualche orecchini appena sfornati.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Gprs Modem Driver 007

Still Frame

Ancora tre paia di orecchini. Si avvicina il Natale, e i bijoux handmade penso possano essere un ottimo pensierino.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Samples Of Programs For A Dinner Event

quilling earrings handmade earrings

a frame decorated with the technique of quilling. A gift certainly different from the usual and much appreciated.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Lucite Wdding Centerpieces


Last night, I saw that her husband had "abandoned" for the game of soccer with friends, I am dedicated to the creation of earrings with traditional materials .. or with plastic beads! This is the result

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Acacia Tree As Insecticide

And the creative recycling recycling continues

I'm recycling it wanted with the earrings .. I like the idea .. are very light and fun.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Wife Has Me In A Girdle

earrings and many other

These days I have given to the production of earrings. In particular, I tried to create earrings green with recycled plastic.
The result seems really nice. What do you think?

Two pairs of earrings with the corn paste. First I like a lot, and I've worn the night of my birthday, the second I'm not crazy, I did thumbnails best ..

A pair of earrings with semiprecious stones

Other crochet earrings

these seem suitable for a communion

And finally, Mother's creative work, two pairs of earrings with quilling